Wells we havnt been on here for ages. trouble is we don't really gets up to much, so we donts have anything to talks about. ands when we do have exitment mums never has the camera. thinks I tolds you all before we have oddles of wabbits running round the place, we tried catching thems but didnt do much goods so now dads does it for us wiv his gun ands I go catch/gets them for him. Buts Mums wents to download the photos ands she lost them.
Thens theres the wallabies. they stomping round ours garden and smashing stuff and eating everythin. So we now eatings the problem one. Mums and dads had to cooks it though as Ailsa wont eat raw wallabie, me I'm happy either way. Mums wont cook it in the house so they used the BBQ so being as they had to lit it up they decided they may as well cooks some sausages too for lunch so we helped them eat those to.
This is Ailsa in a sun beam.
and laying in a vantage spot to see whats cooking, Can you see her?
She's bin having senior moments and bin perfecting her selective hearing, she is getting a little deaf, but she getting silly to, she gots mums up other day barking ats the back door and sitting on the step was this. I gave a bark ands went to look but she kept on barking ans wouldnt look close at it. mums even tried taking her for a walk so she came around the back of it buts she still kept barking at its, in the end funny thing had bickies in his lap so she couldnt resist and went up to it, then she did silly side way walks cause she knew she had bin stupid. it sat on the step for a couple of days till it was decided were to puts it. it was a birthday pressies to mums from Dad.
Mums didnt gets to do Blues True Colour Thursday as she ran outs of day, or is that days, this weeks colour was Puce. Buts she had the plate done so it seems a pitty to waste the effet so here it is.

Zorro is doing well, this is him last week with skin sis and me.
and these were taken last night. he now wighs 510 grams
Anyway thats about all we been doing, sleeping ands eating and theres only so much eating and sleeping you want to hear about or youd get boared., bye for now.