Hi Friends, me Ailsa here.

Sorry we haven't been around but we need help to type and Mums heart hasn't been in it, lots of reasons, and it doesn't help that we don't get up to much except lay around and keep the humans company. I'm getting a bit wobbly on my legs so can't run and play like I once did and Brody is just lazy, every so often he decides he wants to chase me buts I just cant run as long, minds you I did find a wallabi in the chook yard the other week and forgot all my akes and pains as I hopped and bounced right after it, was a bit stiff, no a lot stiff next day but it was all worth it as Mums said my eyes sparkled for ages after. I'm still as defiant and cheeky as I've always been but Brody has my place on the bed now as I can't get up on it but Mums still cant leave things on the bench or table as one way or another I can inhale as I pass by and walla its in my mouth and down my tummy before a blink of an eye.

Anyways months ago my basket went -----flat. this is the basket you seen in the laundry and its my domain, sometimes I let my bro use it but I get priority. It used to be Wilmots an he gave it to me, he got it off his friend Glory who lived up the road as she didn't like it so its about 14 to 15 yrs old. Mums tried to get another one but none of them were very strong. my basket been mended so many times buts it was … flat and not much left of it except it being mine.

Anyways Mums was cleaning out her craft room and pulled out the box she kept her fabrics in and well I couldn't resist I tried it for size, well the few $100 worth of fabric did make a nice soft bed but I got turfed out when Mums found me all curled up, but then she said if I liked it I could try it buts without her fabric so she padded the edges and put my old cushion in and now I have a new day bed.

Bro has tried it and sometimes gets in buts he's actually a bit big for it. I fit in just snug. Mums says I might not be able to get in it when I get stiffer but for now its mine, its got little wheels on it and sometimes daddy pretends I'm in a car and pushes me in it, sometimes he's sillier then me.

Zoro is still with us, well not with us but alive. no Brody didn't eat him. One by one all our pet bunnies got mixo as well as her newest baby that she kept to keep Zoro company, all the wild ones dissapired too, for weeks she was terrified Zoro would catch it but the weeks went by. Skinsis bought her own house so once out of the flat were she couldn't have pets and as soon as the quarantine time was over Zoro was taken to live with her. Anyways thats about it for now. mums says we don't do much but we did lots of odds and ends but now its all old news so she could of helped us to tell you while it was new.

Taken on Boxing day while on holliday with us. Zorro (about 3kg now) he now gets called Munchkin.