Mums been slack again, its not that we not been doing anything, more that to much been going on, you know how she told you, i been wrecking the bedshedroom, well did she tell you they been gone out three times + now and I done nothing, NO, she did not. You know how she tooks photos of whats I done, well did she take photos on nice no stuffing everywere shedbedroom, NO, she did not. I mean do you think thats fair, she did say that maybe we can have new bedding soon, I also learn to jumps on things this week and guess whats, now I can gets on THE bed.
SHh, I'm not here |
I gots on the bed, Mums can I stay? |
If I cants see you, you cant see me, Right!!! |
I caaant hear you. |
This feels sooo good. |
just lets me sleep. |
Last week was a bit busy for Mums as her bestest friends hubby died so she was busy looking after her, this is Merlin been taken for a ride on my car bed leaving boy germs all over its, but mums said he needed some times outs as he is missing his daddy.
Merlin |