Saturday, 8 March 2014

1. 2 . 3. gone

I need paws Mums
Well, what can I say, you must of heard it from your humans, " that would of been a good picture, but, I missed it".  We'll I'm always hearing it, anyway she gets an app on her iPad to take lots a photos in a blink,  she wanted a side head view with my ears up, don't ask me why, humans can be strange sometimes, 100 photos in a blink. Hmmmmm.  Do I need to say it.   She missed,  spose she could join them all together.

Get Ready
you missed my ears
hows I suppose to sniff out the hoppys
As you see, She missed.


  1. Bwahaahaa! SHE feels your pain. We're just too fast for HER! Love those flying ears!

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  2. Oh you look like your ready to fly!

  3. Mom says it's that stoopid slow shutter on the flashie beast! We love your ears as you're flyin' by, Teesha!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  4. zoom zoom

    Stop on by for a visit


Thank you for having a bark with us, we realy do listen and read them all and we like to know who to visit.