Sunday, 12 April 2009

Lemom Tree

Hi youse all
Yesterdays Mums and Skin Sista went into town (Theys didn't takes me!) and came back with some more plants! Mums and Dads must get tireds of digging holes for all thems plants! I's not allows to hepls, apparentlys I's digs in all the wrong places! Anyways yesterdays skin Sista dug a big big hole ins the backyards and fills it up with waters and todays Dads planteds a tree ins it! It's supposed to be a lemons tree. Ailsas is soooo excited! Shes loves lemons! Ailsas recons we's gonna have lemon pie, lemon curd and other lemoney stuffs every days for the rest of ours lives. I's recons the lemons has to grows firsts! Anyways it's another place to go to on my morning watering ritual.

Anywayz I's gotta goes but ere is a picture of mes and the lemons trees. Skin Sistas phone did the flash thing cos Mums is still brokens


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