Whoooo whoooooof. Our first ever award, sent to us by
Sugar Heres what we got to do:
(1) Thank the person who nominated us.
(2) Copy the logo and place it on our blog.
(3) Link to the person who nominated us.
(4) Name 7 things about ourself that people might find interesting.
(5) Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
(6) Post links to those 7 blogs.
(7) Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.

OH goodness, can it be bout bouf of us, we tend to do evwe thing together. We will trys. First me Brodie
1. I'm a sensative new age guy, (Ailsa says soppy)
2. Gentle of heart and gets my feelings hurt real easy so hate to bes shouted at, I sulks whens that happens.
3. I picked my Dads so he hads to take me home an loves me .
4. I love cuddles and sits on knee, any spair hand has to be on my head or patting me otherwise its wasted.
5. I don't bark often but I bark BIG and guard against intruders.
6. I haves rituals, am set in my ways.
7. I loves Ailsa buts dont tell her.

Okeys Ailsa here, mys turn.
1. I'ms aloof with outsiders but accept people at a distance once I know there safe. (brodie says stuck ups)
2. I likes to hunt and sniff things out.
3. I loves my food so have a stone in my dinner dish to stop me gobbling.
4. I'm very gentle, I gives soft kisses just touching my nose to there skin, I don't do licks.
5. If I'm out on my own and want to come inside I give a 'someone around' bark (Brodie's soppy he says "please"
6. I loves my family ands am never more then a few metres from them at any times unless there out and then I waits buts thens I have brodie with me.
7. I like cuddles on my terms, when I wants them.

Meeeeow, me to. Burty here.
1. My skin brother gave me to Mums and Dad when a stray cat he gave a home to had us kittens.
2. I gots an upside down tail and walked like Burt on sesame street, thats hows I got my name.
3. Whens I was a kitten Ailsa wolds carry me around everywere tills I got to heavey an then she used to drag me around. I thinks I'm a dog.
4. I go for a morning walks around the garden with thems dogs.
5. I turn up for morning tea to have my treats the same as thems dogs.
6. I runs around with thems dogs buts mums stops me in case I gets hurt buts I gots lots of trees I can runs up. .
7. Ims an outside cat by choice thats has to stay inside ats night because mums says so in case the feral cats might gets me.
Well its hard to know who to send it to, ifs you all ready had it then just ignore it, I wonts mind.