Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Flashback Tuesday or Here before blogging photos

Whens we started with Flashback Tuesday is was from a packet of photos Mums found in the desk, most of me as a baby sucking up to Ailsa with a few photos of my Tanya and the Wilmot whos I didn't meet. It was looking through the photos Mums realised hows much were all linked together, a continuation, Mum had dogs all of her known life, Goldy, Rex, Judy, Ricky, Udo, Mandy, Wilmot, Tanya, Tara, Ailsa, and me Brodie. Mandy to me have all lived at this place, yet Udo is linked to Mandy as he died from heart failour while Mums, Dad and skinsibs were on holiday, in the next kennal was a dog he made friends with who a few weeks latter was on deaths row as she had been dumped there as her mums had had a skin baby so had no time for her. The kennal asked if our Mums an Dads would take her. So its "Here before blogging photos" They will be all mixed up.

Udo 1972/1979
Because most of the other photos are of me as a kid this weeks is Ailsa's turn.
Ailsa on the front steps
In a Sunbeam.
Same spot, just bigger.
Her first Spring in 1998
11 years latter and she still lays in the flowers.


  1. What great photos of puppy Ailsa and Doggy Ailsa. She sure loves sunbeams! :)

    Licks and wags

    Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack

  2. It is soooo khool to see pikhs from the past AND then get to see some from NOW!


  3. Hey Brodie (& Ailsa),
    We really, really like this post. It's about what life is about. Dogs are a continumn. They tie together life's loose ends and mark the passage of time with memories. The people fortunately remember the good thoughts furever and let the bad memories fade away. We like it a lot when mom or dad show us all the old kind of picture that used to be on paper and not on the PC. dad said they used to have to use something called film and that you couldn't see the pistures right away but had to send or take it someplace for them to make the paper picture. How arcaic.
    - TBH&K


Thank you for having a bark with us, we realy do listen and read them all and we like to know who to visit.